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Memphis at Phoenix

March 26, 2007
img10:05 PM Eastern
Premium Pick
3 units on Game Total UNDER 225 -110 (risk 3 to return 5.73)

Memphis has coverd the spread vs. Phoenis six out of the last seven times the two teams have met here in Phoenix. Yes, the Grizzlies have won just five road games all season but here we get 15 points as a cushion. Phoenix is awesome but not so much against the spread. They are just 14-21 ATS at home this year. Over the past three seasons, they are 18-33 ATS at home vs. losing teams. In their last eleven games this year, they are 1-10 ATS vs. poor defensive teams that allow 99+ per game. Phoenixcan really put up some points in a hurry, but after coming home from a road trip, it takes them a bit to get it going. We see Phoenix coming out a bit flat and this game not going as high as you might think. Memphis and the UNDER here.


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